Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When It's Cold Outside

Winter is here. I can't believe that it is raining already. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a very good snowboarding season. Speaking of the recent craziness that we call weather, I am here to tell you about Old Mandarin, a hidden gem of a restaurant, that is located out in the hinterlands of the Sunset District of San Francisco. When SL and I went, we must have been the only two people in the entire restaurant. It is far enough (anything past 21st ave. is far) so that most people don't go unless they make an event out of it. So, if you go, and you should, you really do feel like it's your own!

Old Mandarin is an Islamic Chinese restaurant that is home to some of the best Chinese lamb dishes I have ever had. When its cold outside and fog lingers in the air, Old Mandarin is the place to be. We didn't get a hot pot, or the food network worthy la si ni. Instead SL and I ordered the braised lamb ribs, the beef scallion pancakes, and the beef stew noodle soup. All of these dishes were divine. Words cannot describe how these three simple dishes were perfect for our night out. The pancakes were flaky and flavorful. The ribs were so tender the meat was barely clinging on to the bone. Ack, I am getting hungry writing about this.

I am definitely going back! I hope it is soon! Winter is upon us and I need some food that will warm my soul!

Beef Scallion Pancake

Beef Stew Noodle Soup

Braised Lamb Riblets

Old Mandarin 4.5/5

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