Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Food Trends Continued...

6) Wild Game. One result of America's urbanization has been the "globalization" of our nation's food options. In most major U.S. cities, you can literally have a French baguette with German muesli for breakfast; some Mexican chilequiles, Salvadorean empanadas, and Peruvian ceviche for lunch; some Chinese xiao long bao and Japanese mochi for a snack; and some Greek souvlaki, Moroccan chicken tajine, and Italian pana cotta for dinner. That is like traveling to ten different countries in a single day. You have no idea how grateful I am. However, this urbanization has also come at a price. We have lost our connection with food and the knowledge of where it comes from. Meat choices have essentially been reduced to chicken, beef, and pork, with the occasional lamb. Therefore, in conjunction with the local and green movements, I predict a revival for wild game in the near future. There is much to be excited about! Hubert Keller's Burger Bar is already making Buffalo Burgers, while Cebicheria la Mar is serving up some Cuy Pekinese. Here is to more exciting dishes using alligator, duck, elk, rabbit, squab, venison, wild board, and caribou! It is going to be like Christmas year round!

7) Supperclubs. The recession is far from over. However, this doesn't mean that we have to deny ourselves the pleasures of good eats. As I was shopping for Christmas presents, I noticed that cookbooks were flying off the shelves. With blogs Carol Blymire's French Laundry at Home and Alinea at Home gaining an ever growing following, and since potlucks are so 2009, I predict that supperclubs will rise to take their place in the year of the tiger. There are already some underground suppleclubs that have made some headlines. In 2010, expect more. Ever heard of PIMMS (Party in My Mouth Supperclub)? If not, you are missing out.

8) Comfort Foods. I am kind of cheating with this one, because it sort of goes hand in hand with Fried Chicken. But comfort food will definitely be in vogue. This is partly because it is so good, but also because the economic outlook ain't so bright. Here is to reminiscing about the good times by eating your favorite comfort foods. Expect to see more gourmet renditions of comfort classics like mac & cheese, chicken pot pie, pork buns, and stews.

9) Sandwiches. We are not talking about PB&Js here... although that could qualify in the comfort food category, especially with some cranberry balsamic pepper jam from Slow Jams and some freshly ground home made peanut butter. For trend number nine, I am talking about Banh Mi and Cuban Sandwiches. Those two don't really go together, but sandwiches are going to be making a come back. There are a few places in the Bay Area where one could find some decent Banh Mi. But most are located in the South Bay. Maybe someone is going to start a banging Banh Mi food truck. Yummm

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